An article discovered by a member whilst looking through Old Newspapers,
this is from the Fifeshire Advertiser dated 2 May 1885.
Now, here is a genuine Fife grievance. We have it on the authority of the post master in Fiji that numbers of letters intended for Fife are sent to that distant island of the sea. Surely say comparison between the two places is odious, and yet this thing has no doubt been going on for years. Who knows how many orders for floorcloth and letters on Disestablishment intended for the good people of Fifeshire may at this moment be used to eke out the scanty attire of South Sea Islanders! Really the Hon. G. Waldegrave and the Postal Facilities Committee in the county ought to see to this.
Further to above story here is one from 1939 Courier
“St Andrews, Fiji”
A letter posted on 18th January by a London form to Messrs W. C. Henderson & Son, Ltd, St Andrews, has just been delivered.
Address on the envelope was “St Andrews, Fife.” but the word “Fife” had been mistaken for “Fiji.”
When the letter arrived at Fiji a post office official had a brainwave and wrote on the envelope.
“Try Scotland, a county to the north of England.”