2018 – 2019

The Syllabus for the new season 2018 – 2019

DateTopic & DisplaySpeaker
19th September 2018'Aspects of Scottish Regionals’ (1pm to 3pm)Richard MossAt the first meeting of the season Richard Moss gave a show 'Aspects of Scottish Regionals'.
The display covered the period from the first stamps issued in 1958 up to 2015. It featured a comprehensive range of stamps in blocks, many having a range of different cylinder numbers, some of which were and still are very difficult to find. Also featured were booklets containing Scottish stamps, items used on envelopes and single stamps showing the large range of collectable types within the current 'Scottish Emblem' definitive series. Also included were variations on the horizontal coil stamps of 1997 which were only available at Post Offices in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
He explained and showed the changes in printing methods and materials which evolved over the period and how, in many cases, this resulted in several clearly collectable varieties of what appeared to be the same stamp. Richard also told the stories of some of his adventures in searching through the office mail, contacting or visiting Post Offices to find new items for his collection and the satisfaction he had when he found something which was unrecorded.
3rd October 2018Latest AcquisitionsMembersThe last meeting was very well attended when members brought along their “Latest or Recent Acquisitions”, members brought along many different topics,
New Guinea registered covers, Europa, Channel Islands WWII, Salvador Dali, Railway miniature sheets, GB covers, Royalty, Saar stamps and mixed postcards. Enjoyed by all.
17th October 2018“The Forces Philatelic Bureau”Lt Col (Retd) Graham Meacher MBE
Joint Managing Director BFPS CIC
The last meeting was very well attended when Lt. Col.(Retd.) Graham Meacher was our visitor, giving us a history of himself, throughout his life and army career he always seemed to end up in postal jobs, he spoke about how he started the BFPS along with friends. His enthusiasm and confidence was most noticeable. http://www.bfps.org.uk/ for more details of the BFPS.
19th - 20th October 2018SCOTEXDewar's Centre, Perth.
Thursday 1st NovemberEvening Meeting 7pm - 9pmMembers & Visitors WelcomeThe first evening meeting last Thursday, which was not as well attended by non members as we may have wanted,
the folk in attendance had a nice evening, drinking tea, coffee and letting their jaws go somewhat, blethering about everything about stamps and the evening before fitba.
7th November 2018Silent AuctionDon MansonDon gave his usual Silent Auction which was well received, the work he puts in to this event should never be under estimated, thank you wee brother.
21st November 2018The Boer War in PostcardsTerry Rankin (Vice President)Unfortunately I was ill and not at meeting, but I was told it was well attended and Terry had put a great lot of work into his talk and display and the postcards he had were really excellent some very rare indeed. Many thanks Terry.
5th December 2018Christmas DisplaysMembersIt was bad weather but a good turn out for the last meeting of the year. Thanks to the members who came and to the ones who put on displays as well, it was nearly half and half stamps and postcards today. Thanks Jock for bringing all the stuff he got at auction to sell. a lot of hard work bringing it from Leven much appreciated.
Kerry Sinclair wished all the members a very Happy Christmas and New Year this was much appreciated by members who met her at the evening meeting.
Tuesday 11th DecemberClub Visit to Dunfermline SPCMembersTreasurer Jock, Vice President Terry and President Tom will be representing the Club with a visit to Dunfermline Stamp and Postcard Club.
16th January 2019President’s DisplayTom MansonPresident Tom Manson, entertained us with, "Postal History & Family History" and then Postcards the story of "Greeting's Frae" Postcards. It was enjoyed by members plenty questions asked and answered vote of thanks by Jock Arnott, Treasurer.
Thursday 31st January 2019Evening Meeting 7pm - 9pmMembers & Visitors WelcomeThe meeting was attended by around exactly the same members as last evening meeting in November, although few it was an interesting meeting when Reg Campbell brought a really stamp fair of saleable goodies which he takes to stamp fairs, he spoke about how he started in stamp collecting. Ken Dunn spoke about his friends successful trip in conquering Kilimanjaro. Great display Ken.
6th February 2019The Postal History of South Africa 1880 till 1910.Terry Rankin (Vice President)Terry gave an excellent talk and display on South African Postal History 1880 - 1912 then in second half he gave us part of his Boer War Collection. Ian F gave a comprehensive vote of thanks.
20th February 2019Silent AuctionDon MansonA very successful afternoon for buyers and the seller, thanks go to Don for his work in collecting and cataloguing the lots.
6th March 2019"V" DisplaysMembersOn 6th March members brought material beginning with the letter "V", among the topics shown were, Vatican, Victory, Vases, Victoria falls, Variety (one stamp from every country in world), Vehicles, Vacations, Vanimo - Papua New Guinea, V-Mail, Rev AH Voyce.
20th March 2019Sweden - stamp bookletsTom WilkieOn 20th March Tom Wilkie gave a great display of Swedish Booklets, in my 35 years at the club I cannot recall seeing these before. Thank you Tom.
3rd April 2019Club CompetitionMembersThe meeting on 3rd April was an excellent meeting, great to see our secretary back after a year of chemo treatment. The meeting was our competitions, not as many entrants this year, but very nice just the same, thank you to entrants. Hopefully we can try different things for next year.
12th to 13th April 201990th Congress/National ExhibitionDewar's Centre, Perth.
17th April 2019AGM & Club AwardsMembers ONLYThe AGM was the best attended in my 35 years as a member. Ken Gilbert gave a nice vote of thanks to our Secretary who relinquished the position due to ongoing treatment for illness. Awards were handed out by Honorary President Geoff Whitehead.