At the Meeting on Wednesday 5th October the topic was Recent Acquisitions, there was a really good turn out and a very healthy amount of subjects covered by members who took part.
They included:
Scout Jamboree 1937 Netherlands, 1957 Sutton Coldfield.
Guernsey and Jersey including bisect on cover.
Seaside Postcards, Christmas, Norfolk and Pitcairn Islands stamps.
Postcards including Devil’s Elbow, Fishing, Turner, Crime, Wee McGreegor and Noddy.
Early Railway letters usually letters of complaints, First Day Covers. Railway timetables from over Scotland.
A mixture of interesting postcards, covers and letters from mainly Australasia area.
Last ever issue of Norfolk Island a miniature sheet and FDC. Also a display of stamps, covers, sheets on the 350th Anniversary of the Great Fire of London.
Secretary thanked everyone for their efforts in assembling their displays and giving talks. Very enjoyable afternoon.