Latest Club News

KIrkcaldy Stamp & Postcard Club
Our next meeting is on Wednesday 19th February when David Millar from Dundee Philatelic Society will give a talk and display about Mail to and from Dundee in the Victorian era (1840-1901)
Yesterday Wednesday 15th January was our first meeting of the new year, it was tinged with sadness when we were told of the death of one of our oldest members ex Church minister Ian Forrester. Reg Campbell gave a short history of Ian's working places in the Church up till his retirement. Members had many memories of Ian, he will be missed, our thoughts are with Mary and Emily his daughter.
President Tom Manson then gave us a short talk and 90 page display on the Gilbert & Ellice Islands, The Gilbert Islands, Tuvalu and Kiribati. Terry Rankin gave us a display on Lundy Island, he brought this along incase the President was unable to give his display, but we had time left so he decided to use the time wisely and gave his display. Jock Arnott thanked Tom & Terry.
At our meeting on Wednesday 6 November we had an excellent turnout and a talk or should I say story and display in stamps postcards and other media, given by Elizabeth Nairn from the Caledonian Society in Glasgow. Her knowledge of her time in New Zealand was exceptional, she gave us stories first half then philatelic second half starting with advertising on back of stamps, coins, paper money all joined by stamps, her sheets were beautifully written. Well worth seeing. Thanks to everyone who came along and of course to Elizabeth Nairn and Alan Blakeley for driving her through.

First-time visitors are all welcome to come along and enjoy the presentation and talk to members.
At the Meeting on Wednesday 16th October 2024
Sorry for delay in writing about the last meeting, not been feeling great after treatment, I asked Martin to write report which he dually done, thank you Martin.
Our first invited presentation of the season was by Norman Watson, long-time member of Perth Philatelic Society. We enjoyed a wonderfully varied display of beautifully-presented stamps, covers and postcards from Norman’s collections, enhanced by his entertaining insights into both his collecting ethos and into the many stories and historical events which underpinned his material. His presentation covered four very different themes, starting with a hundred historic covers, each marking an event from a different year of the twentieth-century. He gave an excellent display of ship letters as well. Then a display of early photographic postcards of Perth by Joseph S. Nicoll, it must be the finest of its kind. Postal historians were catered for with a display of line-engraved stamps used as seals, as far back as the third day of use of the Penny Black! An extensive collection of covers from British agents across the world allowed a series of intriguing tales to be told, until the afternoon was wrapped up with a collection of Kirkcaldy’s hand struck ‘1’s and ‘2’s, some in unusual colours and usages. The displays were marked by their exceptional quality and were presented with panache to provide something for all interests. Norman has set a very high bar for the rest of the season!
MK Secretary.
At the meeting on 2nd October, Members surprised us this afternoon with the mixture of material they brought to Recent Acquisitions day.
German aircraft catalogue, German Postcards, Leather postcards, Massacre of Glencoe, 1999 year of Europa, Franco 1939-1948, KD letters on a penny black on cover, Great Britain faults, The letter Q, Postal History of Kettle, Ladybank and POW mail from Ladybank, Postal Cancels of Scotland. FDC Album mixed. Thank you to everyone who put up a display and to all who attended. TMPres.
Yesterday was our first meeting of the new season, Tom Manson President opened meeting and said it was so hot in the hall, but a really enjoyable meeting, several members were on holiday, it was really encouraging to see members return from illness, work commitments we had not seen for a while, thanks to Irene for helping out at a moments notice, thank you. Our speaker was our own Vice President Terry Rankin who started with him playing the James Bond theme, members thought he was going to appear wearing bow tie and dinner suit and another member was disappointed he thought he might be Ursula Andress. He gave a display outlining Ian Fleming the author then onto Bond, it was a good talk for 007 lovers, he had over 90 sheets which as usual were beautifully laid out. The second half was a total change he gave a talk on the Bismark again in stamps, miniature sheets and postcards. Thank you Terry Rankin thanks were given by John Arnott.
Our first meeting of the new season will be on Wednesday 18 September, 2-4pm and we welcome visitors and new members!
Visit the club to enjoy an afternoon with a growing and friendly club. We run a programme of visiting speakers and members’ displays plus the opportunity to sell or swap your stamps or postcards. Our first meeting of the new season is on Wednesday 18th September from 2 to 4 pm (doors open from 1.30pm). Visitors and new members are welcome at any level. Everyone’s collection has interest and many contain gems of our local history!

We meet on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at Hope Parish Church, Lindores Drive, KY2 6PQ Refreshments are available.

Kirkcaldy Stamp and Postcard Club