
The Syllabus for the new season 2019 – 2020

18th September 2019New Zealand Flight CoversAileen DavisGreat turn out for the first meeting of the new season, well written and presented display of New Zealand Flight Covers, first half was internal mail and second half was international mail. Our recently retired Secretary Aileen Davis gave the talk and display.
2nd October 2019Latest AcquisitionsMembersLatest Acquisitions brought out the best in the club on 2nd October 2019. Among the displays on offer were:
Australian Birds, Cape of Good Hope, Mountaineering, Volcanoes, Great Britain mint, Australia pre stamped postcard, Kirkcaldy Postcards, Solomon Islands, Fife Postmarks, Linktown postmark on stamp, Red Cross complete Omnibus set, RAF aviation history, Postmarks, Various postcards, Sugar, Bananas, Cocoa, Mixture of Europa, Scottish Postal History, USA set, 1d black plate 3.

Thanks to everyone who brought along something to show. Well Done.
16th October 2019 500 Years of Postal History in Fife Lt. Col. (Retd.) Graham Meacher MBE.
A good turnout yesterday at the meeting, although I have to say that I didn't feel the title of the talk accurately represented the content. The title was what was given to me was 500 years of Fife Postal History should perhaps have been titled 500 years of the Post Office. Many of the members knew most of the story, but I hope we learned something from the talk and display, and of course new members as well. We appreciated you Graham for coming to visit us. Many thanks.
6th November 2019 Silent Auction
Don Manson A good turnout for Don's Auction with over 120 lots to choose from.
20th November 2019
Kinross Stamp ShopRichard AllcoatRichard AllCoat from Kinross was our visitor yesterday and told us about himself and business, then set up a couple of tables to sell some of his stock. Members were around his stuff like ants around a %$%^& thoroughly enjoyed themselves, Many thanks to Richard he asked at the end if he could come every three months, does members want this to happen? If so we can arrange it. TM Pres.
4th December 2019
Christmas DisplaysMembers
15th January 2020 A Puzzling Picture Postcard Tom Manson (President)
President Tom Manson asked for a minutes silence before the meeting for our late member Bette Wallace who sadly passed away during Christmas break.

Tom gave his display on the projector showing the pack of postcards relating to one family before and after World War I, he also brought along the cards to show.
It was very well received by the good attendance of members present.
5th February 2020
Victoria Cross HeroesTerry Rankin (Vice President)
19th February 2020Silent AuctionDon Manson
4th March 2020 Girl Guides/ScoutsKen Gilbert
18th March 2020 “W” Displays
1st April 2020
Club CompetitionMembers
15th April 2020 AGM & Club Awards
Members only at AGM