Zoom Meetings

It was agreed to try zoom meetings during the lockdown, like other places, the Regular meetings took place via Zoom on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings each month via Zoom, starting at 7pm. The meetings have now stopped but we have 2 speakers from England who will use zoom on this Syllabus 2021-22.

If you want further detail on how to join us, please contact Tom Manson, President email tbsm@tbsm.co.uk

DatePresentationDisplay by
Wednesday 2nd March 2022 Astronomy Through PhilatelyKatrin Raynor-Evans MSc FRAS FRGS Zoom display was in Church.
Wednesday 19th January 2022World War I Family Postcards Cardenden, Fife.
Kirkcaldy Mourning Cover and Letter 1939.
Norfolk Island block 4, Booklets & Pre Stamped Envelopes.
Tom Manson
Monday 6th September 2021General Meeting to prepare for starting face to face meetings at Torbain Church.Members
Tuesday 3rd August 2021Postcards of Atlantic & Baltic Cruises the speaker has been on.Ken Dunn presented by Tom Manson
Tuesday 20th July 2021A to z of Miniature SheetsReg Campbell presented by John Edmunds
Tuesday 6th July 2021‘Macabre’
'Vessels in Papua New Guinea '
Ian Forrester presented by Tom Manson
Tom Manson
Tuesday 15th June 2021‘Know more about Diabetes’Tom Manson
Tuesday 1st June 2021‘Astronomy through Philately’Katrin Raynor-Evans MSc, FRAS, FRGS
Tuesday 18th May 2021World Air Stamps’
The life of Charles Laughton
Western Australia ‘swan’ stamps
Terry Rankin
Tom Manson
Ken Dunn
Tuesday 4th May 2021‘Collecting cards of various types’Tom Manson
Thursday 22nd April 2021Levant (British Post Offices in Constantinople and surrounding Areas)Terry Rankin
Tuesday 6th April 2021The Letter L,
Commonwealth Classics
Space fillers
Ken Dunn
Tuesday 16th March 2021Norfolk & Pitcairn Island stamps Tom Manson
Tuesday 2nd March 2021Early GB Stamps Reg Campbell
Tuesday 16th February 2021Tristan da Cunha, the Volcano Evacuations and Gough Island’Richard Moss
Tuesday 2nd February 2021No formal presentation made during meeting.General Members discussion
Tuesday 19th January 2021No formal presentation made during meeting.General Members discussion
Tuesday 15th December 2020Discussion on paquebot cancellations ensued.
Forgeries in the Pacific Islands was mentioned.
General Members discussion
Tuesday 1st December 2020No formal presentation made during meeting.General Members discussion
Tuesday 17th November 2020Stamps of New Guinea – WW1 highlighting the imperfections seen on the overprints.Tom Manson